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Prices & AGB
Prices 2024
All prices include local and federal taxes and are per room (standard occupancy: 2, single rooms: 1) and night in euro.
Discounts & promotions:
Discounts and promotional discounts are not cumulative. Only 1 discount and - if possible - 1 promotional discount will be applied. The discounts listed are always calculated from the currently valid prices (see price list) and can only be applied to direct bookings.
Discounts (general):
Direct booking discount: 5% discount on current prices, valid throughout the entire season.
Regular guest discount: 7% discount on the current prices (requirement: the guest is a regular guest at the Strandhotel Sille and has already spent at least 20 nights with us), valid throughout the entire season.
"Spring at the lake": Promotional discount of 10% on current prices. Valid April - mid-May (from April 25th to May 29th, 2024).
"Autumn at the lake": Promotional discount of 10% on current prices. Valid mid to late September (from September 15th to 29th, 2024).
1 promotional discount apllies in addition to one of our general discounts (direct booker discount or regular guest discount). For example a driect booking as part of the "Spring at the Lake" campaign includes a total discount of 15%.
Payment Conditions:
In general, your stay is paid for at the reception desk when you are ready to check out. If you prefer, you are welcome to seetle your bill earlier, of course.
A deposit is required for groups and for bookings during special events (e.g. GTI week May/June), otherwise only if the customer wishes to do so.
Aside from cash, we also accept payment using your bank card as well as MasterCard and VISA.
Cancellation Conditions:
Cancellation more than 29 days in advance: no charge
Cancellations received from 29 to 15 days prior to arrival date: a cancellation charge of 30% of the total cost of the stay.
Cancellations received fewer than 15 days prior to arrival date, or in the event of a no-show: 70% of the total cost of the stay.
Family Rates:
You can find our discounts for children in the price table above.